8 Distinctive Usual Traits of Leopard

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Leopards exhibit unmatched agility, enabling them to climb trees and pounce on prey with precision.

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Their distinctive spotted coat provides perfect camouflage, allowing them to blend seamlessly into their surroundings.

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Solitary Nature

Leopards are solitary creatures, preferring to hunt and roam alone, except during mating season.

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Territorial Behavior

They mark their territories with urine and scratch marks, fiercely defending their domain from intruders

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Versatile Diet

Leopards are adaptable carnivores, known to prey on a wide range of animals, from small rodents to large antelopes

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Nocturnal Hunters

With keen night vision, leopards are skilled nocturnal hunters, stalking their prey under the cover of darkness

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Powerful Build

Despite their sleek appearance, leopards possess powerful muscles, enabling them to take down prey much larger than themselves.

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Territorial Range

Leopards have an extensive territorial range, with habitats spanning from dense forests to arid savannas.

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