8 Eminent Fatal Habits of Blue Heeler

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Blue Heelers can push themselves too hard, leading to injuries.

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Chewing Hazards

Their strong jaws can cause damage when they chew on inappropriate items.

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Escape Artists

Blue Heelers are notorious for their escape attempts, risking accidents or getting lost.

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Food Aggression

Without proper training, Blue Heelers may exhibit food-related aggression, posing a danger.

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Aggressive Behavior

 Unchecked aggression in Blue Heelers can lead to dangerous situations.

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Herding Tendencies

Their instinct to herd can result in nipping or chasing behavior towards humans or other pets.

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High Prey Drive

Blue Heelers may chase smaller animals due to their innate prey drive, risking accidents.

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Excessive Barking

 Persistent barking can lead to disturbances and stress for both the dog and owners.

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