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Russian Blues are known for their constant purring, often even during mundane activities.
Image : unsplash
They have a grooming obsession, spending a significant amount of time grooming their sleek fur.
Image : unsplash
With their piercing green eyes, Russian Blues have a habit of intensely watching their surroundings.
Image : unsplash
These cats are not shy about voicing their opinions through various vocalizations, from chirps to meows.
Image : unsplash
Russian Blues exhibit excessive energy during playtime, often engaging in playful antics for hours.
Image : unsplash
They form strong bonds with their owners, showing excessive affection and seeking constant attention.
Image : unsplash
These agile cats have a habit of climbing to high places, displaying their athleticism excessively.
Image : unsplash
Russian Blues may display excessive excitement during mealtime, eagerly devouring their food.
Image : unsplash