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Ragdolls love fresh air, but open windows pose a falling risk. Ensure screens are secure.
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Some plants are toxic to cats. Keep lilies, tulips, and other harmful plants out of reach.
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Ragdolls enjoy playing with strings, but ingesting them can lead to intestinal blockages.
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Ragdolls may wander onto balconies. Ensure they are supervised to prevent falls.
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Common household chemicals like bleach and antifreeze can be deadly to Ragdolls. Keep them safely stored.
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Ragdolls are curious creatures. Secure cabinets to prevent access to harmful substances.
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Ragdolls may chew on electrical cords, risking electrocution. Keep cords out of reach or concealed.
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Ragdolls love heights, but jumping from high places can cause injuries. Provide safe alternatives.
Image : unsplash