8 Most Dangerous Habits of Russian Blue

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Resist overindulging your Russian Blue to prevent obesity-related health issues.

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Lack of Exercise

 Ensure regular play sessions to keep your Russian Blue mentally and physically stimulated.

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 Ignoring Dental Care

Brush your cat's teeth regularly to prevent dental problems like tartar buildup.

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Stress Inducing Environment

Create a calm and safe space for your Russian Blue to minimize stress-related behaviors.

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Unsafe Plants

Keep harmful plants out of reach to prevent accidental ingestion by your Russian Blue.

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Open Windows

Be cautious with open windows to prevent accidents, as Russian Blues are curious climbers.

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Toxic Substances

Store household chemicals securely to prevent poisoning incidents involving your Russian Blue.

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 Ignoring Veterinary Care

Regular vet check-ups are crucial for early detection and prevention of health issues in Russian Blue cats.

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