8 Reasons Australian Shepherd Follow Everywhere

Deep Bond

Aussies form deep attachments with their people, seeking their company and affection.

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Seeking Attention

Following you might be your Aussie's way of asking for playtime, cuddles, or training.

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Pack Mentality

Dogs see their humans as their pack, and following the leader (you) is natural instinct.

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Herding Instinct

Bred for herding, Aussies may see you as their "flock" and try to keep you close.

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Boredom or Lack of Stimulation

An under-stimulated Aussie might follow you for entertainment or mental engagement.

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Separation Anxiety

Constant following can be a sign of anxiety when left alone. Consult a vet if concerned.

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Medical Issues

Certain health problems can cause clingy behavior. Talk to your vet if following is unusual.

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Managing Your Aussie

Provide adequate exercise, mental stimulation, and positive reinforcement for independent behavior.

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