8 Indices Your Dog and You Are Best Friends

Wagging Tails & Happy Trails

A wagging tail is a classic sign of canine happiness. A wiggle especially for you? That's pure love!

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Snuggle Time

Does your dog love to cuddle? Cuddling releases feel-good hormones in both you and your pup!

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Following You Around

Is your dog your shadow? They likely feel safe and secure with you nearby.

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Listening Ears

Does your dog perk up at your voice? They pay close attention to their favorite human!

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Playful Pups!

Does your dog initiate play with you? It shows they enjoy spending quality time together.

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Goodbye Blues?

Does your dog get sad when you leave? They miss their pack leader (that's you!)

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Sweet Dreams Together

Does your dog sleep near you? They feel safe and comforted by your presence.

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Unconditional Love

Looking after your dog shows love, and their loyalty and affection show it right back!

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Top 10 Most Impressive Dog Breeds in the United States