8 Terrible Bold Habits of Maine Coon

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Hairball Chaos

Maine Coons shed abundantly, leading to pesky hairballs. Regular grooming helps combat this hairy situation.

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Midnight Zoomies

Maine Coons are notorious for nocturnal zoomies, racing through the house at odd hours. Provide ample playtime to tire them out.

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Water Fascination

Maine Coons may enjoy playing in water, even jumping into the shower or bathtub. Keep an eye on them around water sources.

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Food Theft

Maine Coons have a knack for stealing food, especially if it's left unattended. Be vigilant to prevent sneaky snacking.

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Claw Capers

Maine Coons love to scratch and may target furniture if not provided with appropriate scratching posts. Train them early

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Attention Demands

Maine Coons crave attention and may vocalize loudly to get it. Dedicate quality time for cuddles and play to meet their social needs.

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Rebellious Nature

Maine Coons can be stubborn, often refusing to obey commands. Patience and positive reinforcement are key to training success.

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Counter Surfers

Maine Coons are skilled climbers and may explore countertops and shelves. Keep tempting items out of reach to deter their curiosity.

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