8 Things People Do That Cats Hate

Loud Noises

Cats have super sensitive hearing! Loud music, yelling, or fireworks can be scary. Keep things calm for a purrfect day.

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Belly Rubs?

Not all cats love belly rubs! It's a vulnerable spot. Watch for signs of discomfort like flattened ears & swishing tail.

Image : unsplash

Litter Box Blues

A dirty litter box is a major turn-off! Scoop daily & clean completely once a week.

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Sudden Changes

Cats crave routine. New furniture, pets, or schedules can cause stress. Introduce changes slowly.

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Forceful Affection

Some cats are independent. Don't crowd them! Let them come to you for cuddles when they're ready.

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Water Worries

Most cats dislike baths. They groom themselves. Spot clean only if needed.

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Citrus Scents

Citrus smells like danger to cats! Avoid citrus air fresheners & cleaning products.

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A Tiny Bowl Blues

Cats like whisker room! Choose a wide, shallow dish for food & water.

Image : unsplash

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