8 Top Border Collie Traits

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 Highly Intelligent

Border Collies are renowned for their exceptional intelligence, making them quick learners and adept problem solvers.

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Energetic and Agile

 With boundless energy and agility, Border Collies excel in various activities such as agility courses and flyball.

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Strong Herding Instincts

Originating from a herding background, Border Collies possess strong instincts and excel in herding tasks.

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Remarkable Work Ethic

Known for their dedication and work ethic, Border Collies thrive on having tasks to complete and challenges to overcome.

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Exceptional Trainability

Due to their intelligence and eagerness to please, Border Collies are highly trainable and responsive to commands.

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 Affectionate and Loyal

Despite their high energy levels, Border Collies are affectionate companions who form strong bonds with their owners.

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Alert and Responsive

Border Collies are naturally alert and responsive, making them excellent watchdogs and companions for active individuals.

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Versatile Working Abilities

 Whether on the farm or in various canine sports, Border Collies showcase their versatility 

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