How to Make Banana Split In The United States


Gather bananas, ice cream (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry), toppings (chocolate syrup, whipped cream, nuts, cherries).

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Step 1 - Prepare Bananas

Peel and slice bananas in half lengthwise. Arrange them in a serving dish or boat.

Image : unsplash

Step 2 - Add Ice Cream

Scoop vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream onto the bananas.

Image : unsplash

Step 3 - Add Toppings

Drizzle chocolate syrup, add whipped cream, sprinkle nuts, and top with cherries.

Image : unsplash

Step 4 - Serve & Enjoy

Serve immediately and enjoy your homemade banana split with friends and family!

Image : unsplash

Tips & Variations

Customize your banana split with your favorite toppings or try adding different flavors of ice cream.

Image : unsplash

History of Banana Split

Learn about the origins of this iconic dessert in the United States.

Image : unsplash

Fun Facts

Discover interesting facts about the banana split's cultural significance in American cuisine.

Image : unsplash

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