Biggest 8 Affectionate habits of Maine Coon

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Gentle Head Butting

 Maine Coons show affection by gently bumping their heads against you.

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 Purring Palooza

Enjoy the constant purring symphony that Maine Coons provide when content.

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Playful Paw Pats

 Maine Coons often show affection by gently patting you with their paws.

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Cozy Cuddles

Embrace the warmth of Maine Coon cuddles—they love snuggling up close.

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 Vocal Affirmations

 Maine Coons express love through a variety of vocalizations.

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Tail Wrapped Love

Feel the affection as your Maine Coon wraps its fluffy tail around you.

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Constant Companionship

Enjoy the loyal companionship Maine Coons offer—they love being near their humans.

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Affectionate Grooming

 Maine Coons show love by grooming you or other pets in the household.

Image : unsplash

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