Eccentric 8 Habits of Russian Blue

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Mysterious Gaze

Their deep, penetrating stare may seem mysterious, but it's just their way of sizing up the world.

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Playful Prowess

 Despite their reserved demeanor, Russian Blues love to engage in playful antics, especially with feather toys.

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Silent Observers

They prefer to observe from a distance, quietly studying their surroundings with an air of sophistication.

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Loyal Companions

 Once they bond with their human, Russian Blues become fiercely loyal companions, often following them from room to room.

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Water Fascination

 Unlike most cats, Russian Blues are fascinated by water and may even enjoy playing with dripping faucets.

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Nap Connoisseurs

Known for their love of napping, Russian Blues seek out cozy spots for long, luxurious snoozes.

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Selective Affection

While they may seem aloof to strangers, Russian Blues show affection on their own terms

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Intellectual Curiosity

Highly intelligent, Russian Blues enjoy puzzle toys and challenges that stimulate their minds.

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