Exotic Bully vs. American Bully 8 Key Differences


Exotic Bully features exaggerated features like a wider stance and shorter muzzle, while American Bully has a more stocky build.

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Exotic Bully tends to be more laid-back, whereas American Bully is known for its friendly and outgoing nature.

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Exotic Bully often appears larger due to its exaggerated features, while American Bully typically has a more compact size.

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Breeding History

Exotic Bullies are often bred for extreme traits, whereas American Bullies are bred to maintain certain standards.

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Exotic Bully has gained popularity in recent years, but American Bully remains a favorite among dog enthusiasts.

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Exotic Bullies typically command higher prices due to their rarity and unique features.

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Consult reputable breeders and resources to learn more about Exotic and American Bullies before making your decision.

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