Fun Games to Play with Your Dog

Fetch! A Classic for a Reason

The all-time favorite! Throw a ball or frisbee & watch your dog zoom after it.

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Tug of War

A bonding game that satisfies your dog's natural instincts. Use a rope toy designed for tugging.

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Hide and Seek

Have your dog wait while you hide. Then, call them to find you! Great for mental stimulation.

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Trick Training

Teach your dog fun tricks like sit, shake, or roll over. It's a rewarding activity for both of you!

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Scent Games

Hide treats and let your dog use their amazing sense of smell to find them. Keeps them mentally engaged.

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Puzzle Toys

Fill a puzzle toy with treats and watch your dog work to get them out.  Keeps them occupied & entertained.

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Obstacle Courses

Set up a low hurdle or tunnel for your dog to navigate. Fun way to burn energy and practice obedience.

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Playtime Fun!

Games strengthen your bond with your dog & keep them happy & healthy. Choose games based on your dog's age, breed & energy level.

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