Goldendoodle vs Labradoodle Contrasting These Doodle Breeds


Goldendoodles originated from Golden Retrievers and Poodles, while Labradoodles have Labrador Retrievers and Poodles in their lineage.

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Goldendoodles tend to be larger than Labradoodles, but both breeds come in various sizes depending on their lineage.

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Goldendoodles typically have longer, wavy coats, while Labradoodles can have curly or straight coats.

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Both breeds require regular grooming, but Goldendoodles may need more frequent brushing due to their longer hair.

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Goldendoodles are known for their friendly and outgoing nature, while Labradoodles are often praised for their intelligence and loyalty.

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Exercise Needs

Both breeds are active and require daily exercise, but Goldendoodles may have slightly higher energy levels.

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Both breeds are highly trainable and eager to please, making them excellent family pets with consistent training.

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Find Your Doodle Match

Research breeders, meet puppies, adopt from shelters. With love and care, your Doodle will bring endless joy!

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