Most 8 Dreadful Fantastic Habits of Maine Coon

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Nighttime Zoomies

Maine Coons are notorious for their midnight zoomies. Keep them active during the day to minimize late-night shenanigans.

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Countertop Conquest

Your Maine Coon may love exploring countertops. Train them to stay off using positive reinforcement and deterrents.

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Water Fascination

Many Maine Coons enjoy playing with water, which can lead to messy situations. Offer alternative 

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 Food Theft

Maine Coons are food enthusiasts and may attempt to steal from plates or bins. Keep food secured 

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Vocal Demands

Maine Coons are vocal communicators and may demand attention loudly. Respond to their needs while 

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Clingy Behavior

These affectionate cats may exhibit clingy behavior, following you everywhere. Balance attention 

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Scratching Spree

Maine Coons love to scratch, which can damage furniture. Provide scratching posts and redirect their focus

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Hair Everywhere

With their luxurious fur, Maine Coons shed a lot. Regular grooming sessions can help minimize hair around 

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