Super Catcher and Terrier Jack Russell

Built to Hunt

Jack Russells, small but mighty!  Bred to chase foxes  in burrows.

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Terrier Tenacity

Stubborn streak? It's their hunting focus! Helps them chase prey relentlessly.

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Catching Critters

Squirrels, rabbits, even rodents! Their prey drive is strong.

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Chasing Fun

Don't let them chase your cat! Redirect their instincts with games & toys.

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The Exercise Edge

Plenty of exercise! Walks, runs, & playtime tire them out & curb chasing.

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Training is Key

Teach them "leave it" & "come" to manage their chasing urges.

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Channel Their Energy

Dog sports, agility & scent work provide a healthy outlet for their hunting instincts.

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Happy & Focused Jack

With training & exercise, your Jack Russell will be a playful & well-behaved companion.

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