Barking can indicate excitement, fear, or a desire for attention. Pay attention to the pitch and frequency.
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The wag of a tail can convey emotions like happiness, anxiety, or even aggression. Observe the context.
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Direct eye contact can signify trust and affection, while averted gaze may indicate submission or discomfort.
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Postures such as standing tall, cowering, or rolling over communicate various feelings and intentions.
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Watch for facial expressions like relaxed mouths or tense jaws to understand your dog's mood.
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Pawing, nudging, or leaning on you can be ways your dog seeks attention or expresses affection.
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Beyond barking, dogs use whines, growls, and yips to communicate their needs and emotions.
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Snuggling, licking, or pressing against you can convey comfort, love, or a desire for closeness.
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