The Most Common Mistakes Newest  Dog Owners Make

Not Choosing the Right Breed

Consider your lifestyle & choose a dog breed that matches your energy level & living space.

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Skipping Training

Invest in training to establish communication & prevent behavior issues later.

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Lack of Socialization

Expose your puppy to new people, animals, & environments to build confidence.

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Ignoring Exercise Needs

Dogs need daily physical & mental stimulation to stay healthy & well-behaved.

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Inconsistent Routine

Create a consistent schedule for feeding, walks, playtime, & potty breaks.

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Giving In to Every Whimper

Teach your dog to self-soothe & avoid rewarding unwanted behaviors.

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Using Harsh Punishment

Positive reinforcement is more effective & builds trust with your dog.

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Forgetting Self-Care

Taking care of yourself allows you to be the best pet parent you can be.

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Top 10 Most Impressive Dog Breeds in the United States