Various 8 Uncommon Shetland Sheepdog Habits

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The 'Sheltie Lean

Shelties often lean on their owners affectionately, seeking closeness and comfort.

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Shadowing Behavior

Shelties exhibit 'shadowing,' following their owners closely to stay connected and secure.

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Vocal Expressions

 With a wide range of vocalizations, Shelties effectively communicate their needs and emotions.

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Herding Instincts

Shelties may display herding behaviors, such as circling and nipping, even in non-rural settings.

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Sensitivity to Routine

These sensitive dogs thrive on routine, often showing signs of stress when schedules change.

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Playful Problem-Solving

Shelties enjoy mental challenges and are adept at problem-solving through playful exploration.

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Velcro Dogs

Shelties earn the nickname 'velcro dogs' for their tendency to stick close to their owners at all times.

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Alert Watchdogs

Shelties excel as watchdogs, alerting their owners to any potential threats with their sharp instincts.

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